Happy (almost) Spring Cardinal Fans!
There is a lot here, including a request to complete the Lowell Climate Survey, chaperoning opportunities and a busy college center.
1. Bird Bash Auction and Community Event (March 23)
Our Fundraising and Community Event for Lowell parents and guardians is 3-6 PM on Saturday, March 23 at Sports Basement at Stonestown. Mingle with friends, while you sample wine, hors d’oeuvres, and live music. Tickets cost $25, and everything is included.
Buy your tickets today, then browse our online Catalog to bid on your favorite items. Bid high and bid often to help Lowell thrive.
2. SFUSD Lowell Climate Survey (due Wed, March 20th)
We are currently at 8% of Lowell families responding to the 2024 SFUSD SEL survey for Lowell parents/guardians. If you haven't already, please complete the Lowell school culture survey by visiting http://bit.ly/38RRIBY. The deadline has been extended to Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Thank you to those who have participated and to those families who will participate by next Wednesday.
3. Dance Chaperones Needed (March 30th and May 4th)
Both Junior Prom (March 30th) and Senior Prom (May 4th) are looking for parent chaperones to help make their dances a success, and within budget. Please see the information below and consider signing up)
JPROM (March 30th at City Hall)
The Class of ‘25’s JUNIOR PROM is taking place on March 30th from 7pm-11pm at City Hall. WE URGENTLY NEED PARENT CHAPERONES! The safety and enjoyment of our prom depends on you; we would be extremely grateful if you volunteered your time and effort to ensuring our dance can run smoothly. If you are interested, please email lowell2025jprom@gmail.com and we will be in touch!
SPROM (May 4th at Regency Ballroom)
The 2024 Senior Prom Board invites you to chaperone with us at our Senior Prom this year on May 4th, 2024 from 7pm-11pm! This event will be at the Regency Ballroom (1300 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco) and you will be expected to arrive at 6:30pm (30 minutes prior to the start of the dance) in order to get informed on your chaperoning job for the night and to get familiar with the venue. We would be incredibly thankful if you were able to volunteer your time to ensure a safe and smooth SPROM! Thank you so much for considering chaperoning with us and we hope to hear back from you soon at lowell2024sprom@gmail.com!
4. College Center. The College Center is very busy in the Spring:
- 3/28 at 6pm: For families of Juniors we have one more Family Night event: Learn how the College Center supports students during the college search and application process. Meeting is in the Lowell library and it is highly encouraged that everyone attend.
- April 20th, 10-1pm: College & Career Day 2024! 2024 College & Career Day FINAL 3.12.24.pdf - Google Drive . This event is for all Lowell students and Families. It is never too early to start learning about the College process. We have 24 schools presenting and dozens of Lowell Alumni will be sharing about their career paths. Please RSVP: Lowell High School College & Career Day (google.com). The Lowell PTSA will be sponsoring lunch.
- Throughout the Spring: The College Center is running weekly lunchtime workshops for Juniors to help them start the college search process. Workshop schedule is posted on the College Center webpage, on the College Center instagram feed and posted in the College Center. (The Lowell College Counseling Center | SFUSD)
The Lowell PTSA